One Dead Sister – By Randall Denley

One Dead Sister – By Randall Denley


For Ottawa Citizen columnist Kris Redner, her Adirondack hometown is a place of bad memories, buried deep in the past. Then she receives a videotape that brings the past into the present. It shows three hooded men torturing a woman. When the victims turns to the camera for her final scream, Kris recognizes her sister Kathy, murdered nearly 30 years ago at the summer estate of Senator Lowell Osborne, who is now seeking the Republican presidential nomination. When Kris returns home to dig for the truth, she discovers that she’s the last loose end in a story that the senator definitely doesn’t want told. One Dead Sister pits Kris against one of the most powerful men in America and a town that considers her sister’s death old, bad news.

Books By Randall Denley